Support poster

All persons affiliated with Carleton College (staff, faculty, and students) are bound by the Policies Against Sexual Misconduct as endorsed by the Carleton Board of Trustees.

For comprehensive information about Carleton’s policies, reporting sexual misconduct, filing a complaint, or seeking support, see Carleton’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response website.

Counselors at Student Health and Counseling:

  • provide free, confidential support for individual students who have either experienced sexual misconduct, or have been accused of violating the sexual misconduct policies
  • provide consultation services for students, faculty and staff who have concerns about other students
  • coordinate educational programming about sexual misconduct for the broader student body

When calling to schedule a counseling appointment, please inform the receptionist that you are calling regarding sexual misconduct, to assure that you receive an urgent appointment. 

Medical Staff at Student Health and Counseling:

  • provide confidential medical care for students who have experienced sexual misconduct, including sexual assault
  • no charge for the office visit with a medical provider
  • care can include treatment for minor injuries, pregnancy prevention, and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing/treatment. Serious physical trauma will be referred to the Northfield Hospital Emergency Department
  • fees may be incurred for some laboratory tests, medication, or medical supplies

When calling to schedule a medical appointment, please inform the receptionist that you are calling regarding sexual assault/misconduct, to assure that you receive an urgent appointment.

Northfield Hospital:

  • provides a full range of medical care following an assault, including testing for the presence of date rape drugs, treatment of physical trauma, pregnancy prevention, and STI testing/treatment
  • provides trained nursing personnel, called Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE Nurses), who can perform an evidentiary exam to collect evidence, should a victim wish to consider pursuing a legal complaint of sexual assault. After a sexual assault, it is important to have an exam within seven days.

If you want to go to the hospital, call ahead to the Emergency Room (507-646-1100) to request a SANE nurse. 

More information: