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Service-Learning Course Revision Exercise

When redesigning a course to include service-learning, consider the following questions.

When redesigning a course to include service-learning, consider the following questions.

1. Overall goals for the course:

2. How would a service-learning component contribute to achieving the course's goals? 3. Kinds of service projects that would be appropriate to achieving #2? Which community partner(s)?
(Consider location, number of sites needed based on class size, service needed by community agency/reciprocity). 4. Type of service-learning component:
(Can choose to be mandatory, optional, long-term, short-term, teams or individual, credit lab, comps, internship)

5. Adjustments needed to the course's traditional reading list/requirements to integrate the service component and to help students reflect on their service experience:

6. Strategy to assess and evaluate the outcomes:

7. Logistics to consider: Transportation to get students to sites, agency involvement and supervision of students, how students will be prepared, any funding needed, issues of liability, etc.

The ACT office staff is available to assist with this course revision process.
Please contact the Service-Learning Student Coordinators at 222-7020.